08-22-2008, 10:44 AM
Re: NCAA Football 09 Patch #2 Available, Impressions Here
I dont mean to be a nag, because this game is almost like a different game, now that you can get sliders to work, and the improvements made.
There are 3 things, that really hurt my eyes to see. I'm trying to look past it, I really am, but it is very hard to do.
1) Idiot Option QB. The CPU just cannot run the option intelligently. It just cant do it. maxing the cpu blocking and RB sliders, and lowering your D awareness and tackling gives the option QB a fighting chance to gain 3 yards every now and then
2) Idiot Offensive Coordinator: When steven threet of michigan is lumbering around running the option, it makes issue #1 look 5 times worse.
3) Idiot Defensive Coordinator: Even with the improvemnts, the CPU has this tendency to over use CB blitzes wich leaves them covering Wrs with LB's and safeties, and leaves them with no chance to cover a back coming out of the backfield.
The game is miles better, and slider testing is going well, I just with these 3 things would just..go..away.
Last edited by sportyguyfl31; 08-22-2008 at 10:47 AM.