08-22-2008, 02:08 PM
Re: NCAA Football 09 Patch #2 Available, Impressions Here
Well let me say this about the patch/game and series having owned and played every game since Wuerffel was on the cover.
1- this is the best overall game they have made thus far period.
2- game needs a lot of house rules to tone down glaring AI issues to make game playable/enjoyable if you want any sort of sim experience. if you like winning 122 - 7 then this is not needed for dynasty play
3- although its the best game yet, it was the most bugged game that I have played in my whole life out of the box, let alone in the series. i am shocked that EA even claims to play/test this game
4- there are a few gameplay issues that really need addressed in a big way or we can fully expect next year to have new massive issues with new features. Suction blocking, lack of AI responding to vision, lack of intelligence in CPU play calling, zero learning curve of any kind (can call same play every time for entire season and CPU doesn't care), pursuit angles, attributes meaning something other then speed
5- presentation could use a HUGE boost. Come on EA, you own the licenses, do more with them. bring back pre-game excitement. have michigan come out and slap the banner, etc....
6- i would never recommend this game to a friend who is a gamer but not a huge college football fan as it simply has too many problems and i don't believe would be fun at all
7- this game is only as good as you make it to be. its not an awesome game on its own but does have the potential to be
8- i do NOT like the direction the series is heading as it doesn't seem to have a direction. every year they seem to add a new feature/gimmick, take one away and bring back one form the last generation. because of the game play issues in #4, every new feature seems to cause new problems
9- i would strongly suggest that if EA does indeed employ people who claim to be play testing this game, I would check in on them every now and then to see if they either (a) don't show up for work at all (b) are actually playing other games entirely as they don't like this game (c) are stoned out of their minds and unable to see major problems that all of us found within 1 hour of turning on our game
10- i know this ties directly into game play but i would really like to see the focus of next year be game BALANCE. i would like to see everything simply balanced so that ratings matter, and schemes matter. balance the darn game to be more sim like with default (50) sliders so that sliders could be used to OPEN THE GAME UP not balance it. it sure seems that everything is backwards in this regards. balance pass vs. run. balance PA versus drop back passing. balance SG vs under center. sure, all of them have their strengths and weaknesses but there needs to be more balance so that the same set of sliders don't lead everyone to do the same thing to optomize performance because the game isn't balanced.
so to conclude, this game is faaaaaaaar superior to 2004 (the title that most everyone seems to love and reminiss about) as it should be since its 2009, but its no where NEAR where I would have thought the series would be at had you asked me back when I was playing 2004 to immagine what NCAA 2009 is like. I would have envisioned a much, much, much better game and better AI package by now when you compare it to other games these days. I know NCAA is never going to feel like you are playing a HUMAN when playing a CPU but I would have at least thought that we would have moved beyond randomization with zero AI or calling a D directly based on my play call or audible by now.... but we haven't and that is sad IMO. Heck, simple chess games have existed for years and years that are based on strategy.
Last edited by Keyser Soze; 08-22-2008 at 02:12 PM.