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Old 08-22-2008, 02:29 PM   #18
OVR: 13
Join Date: Jun 2003
Re: NFL Head Coach 09 Review

Originally Posted by gjb01
Isn't a lot of the negotiating and stuff like that already in Madden franchise? I love sim games but just don't get the appeal of this when you could have both the onfield playing experience and the management experience.
For me, there are two primary reasons:

A -- The management experience here is much deeper and more realistic than in Madden.

B -- In Madden, if you're good with the controls, you can make most players into HOFamers. Here, they have to (i) fit into the scheme; (ii) know the playbook; (iii) have the physical ability; and (iv) have the mental ability.

Madden sits in the CE box. It seems like a great game on its own, and the presentation is spectacular, but it's just not as interesting as HC.
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