08-24-2008, 01:37 PM
Re: POST if your Franchise is freezing (Please read thread rules before posting)
- Did you import any draft classes? If so, did you use the named NCAA file that was known to be corrupt? No
- Are you using updated rosters? Yes, EA's update with multiple changes to the packers roster only.
- Did you do a fantasy draft? No
- What team(s) are you using? Packers
- Where in the mode is it freezing - i.e. what screen exactly? After picking players to train - i.e. when I select advance to training it freezes on the loading screen
- Do you have a save file where you can load it up and get the game to freeze every time? Yes
- Can the freeze be avoided, or is your Franchise stuck? I.e. can you advance? Yes, it can be avoided at the cost of not training players
Xbox 360 - regular edition
Last edited by Kohlstar20; 08-24-2008 at 01:47 PM.