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Old 08-24-2008, 03:27 PM   #6
OVR: 2
Join Date: Aug 2008
Re: POST if your Franchise is freezing (Please read thread rules before posting)

I already PMed you all these details but I didn't get any response. I'd suggest you jump over to the EA forums with hundreds of people having this problem.

Freezes for me begin happening in the second year of franchise mode. I believe it happens to most people in the third season.
- Did you import any draft classes? If so, did you use the named NCAA file that was known to be corrupt? Imported draft class, but not corrupt files.
- Are you using updated rosters? My first franchise, no. My second franchise, yes.
- Did you do a fantasy draft? No.
- What team(s) are you using? Redskins.
- Where in the mode is it freezing - i.e. what screen exactly? Several different screens. The "Loading" screen before player drills; the "Simulating..." screen between weeks (this happened when trying to use the "Sim all this week's games" option); simply pressing A to bring up the simulating options screen on the weekly schedule; trying to save/load games from franchise mode (as soon as the A button is pressed to either save or load).
- Do you have a save file where you can load it up and get the game to freeze every time? Yes.
- Can the freeze be avoided, or is your Franchise stuck? I.e. can you advance? The freeze can be avoided by skipping certain tasks. For example, when the player drills freeze occured, I was able to bypass it by simulating the player drills. When the "Sim all this week's game" freeze occurred, I was able to get around that by simming each game individually. No matter what, the first time a freeze happens the franchise mode starts freezing up after that. If you bypass one freeze, another one will occur soon after.
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