09-04-2008, 12:51 PM
OVR: 3
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Gijón, Spain
First of all. I only played two games, and I liked what I saw. Better than I expected.
I really don't understand people talking about the the flow of animations in 2k8. I used to love that game, but flow? I had so many problems with the movement of my players that I had to stop playing it. So unreal. And then, you complain about this NBA Live 09...
Didn't have any problem with CPU blocks. In two games I just saw one block (made by me), and the ref called a foul. Maybe it's the way you play the game...
I'm with Sage in the CPU making lots of shots. But I think we have to learn to use the defense.
The problem I see is people trying to play NBA Live like if it was 2k, and both are complete concepts of basketball. I like both.
I don't want to make the post huge, and I don't express my impressions cause its hard for me doing it in english, but I like the way Live is looking this year, and I think its a fresh and fun basketball videogame.