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Old 09-27-2008, 12:12 AM   #5
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Re: Artificial Intelligence is Dead... And We Have Killed Him

2K's V.I.P. is definitely a great feature, but like you said, it's not quite the same as playing the guy in person because all you are playing is his tendencies, and most people's playing tendencies will change from game to game based on the type of opponent they are facing.

That said, NHL '09's 6 vs. 6 mode is hands-down the most fun and exciting experience I've ever had with a sports game...when the servers and bugs/glitches aren't showing their ugly side.

I look for NBA 2K9 to capitalize on NHL '09's momentum and keep the "MMO lite" sports games rolling along full-steam.

The exciting thing is that the NBA games will be reaching an even larger crowd, since basketball has a lot more mass appeal than hockey.

Here's to hoping these games are only the beginning of the innovation.
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