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Old 10-17-2008, 08:11 PM   #24
OVR: 24
Join Date: Feb 2003
Re: Madden update information

Originally Posted by MJenness
Phil, I have to ask, WHY was the DLC scrapped, as we wre told by Ian over a month ago that the DLC was basically FINISHED. Why the sudden change of direction, except that you already made your money this year?

This astounds me, really, as there were MANY MANY people relying on the DLC to make their purchase of Madden this year even decently playable!! This really doesn't say much for the "new" dev teams dedication to its fans, IMO....seems like the same crap as the last 3 years....
I'd like to know this myself. I know nothing was promised, but this was as close as it came to a promise.
IMO, you guys should never have even mentioned a peep about DLC until you had a definitive answer.
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