Essentially that is what alot of people think, I was fan of the show when was coming on to see how much better these players were.
It was a good idea for one season when they had legitimate players on it but essentially now it has gotten down to the point of anyone who wins a Madden Challenge or plays online with a high rank can get on it.
It does seem to me that it hypes the ability of the thugification of middle america. Most of people that appear on Madden Nation are younger College kids or a variety of players of the Madden community who stake their claim in life to a video game. (Only two older players appeared on the show, Packwolf and 40 G's)
It also funny to see how many of these great Madden players have fallen due to the changes in the game, Big Gene was allegedly the best player in the world and is blip on the radar. Secret who talked his way in season 2, hasn't done anything since.
The show is pure entertainment and is enjoyable to watch just for the "players" reaction and not the game itself. Madden always takes a back-seat on the show and it is in the end all about who can out-talk someone else when winning.