10-25-2008, 09:10 PM
Working for the weekend
OVR: 32
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Davenport, Iowa
Posts: 4,710
Re: VikingFan4Ever's 360 Draft Classes
I'm going to go back into NCAA and lower a bunch of guys so nobody comes out too high. I'll post the draft class late tonight at the earliest and for sure by tomorrow afternoon. I just got Fable 2 so I'm going to play that for a bit and then work on the file and get the ratings closer to this formula.
Top 5 84-83
1st Round 82-80
2nd Round 79-78
3rd Round 78-76
4th Round 76-74
5th Round 74-72
6th Round 71-70
7Th Round 70-68
GT: Herkyalert
PSN: Herkyalert
Iowa Hawkeyes
Northern Iowa Panthers
Minnesota Vikings
Chicago Cubs
Minnesota Twins
Boston Celtics
Minnesota Timberwolves