bro losing has nothing to do with it. I win a lot more games than i lose. And every single game i have won, i won with some class. Yeah sometimes you might score a lot on some guys and sometimes you wont, but I never do **** like that. I told u bra, losing is not something i complain about. In fact the possibility of losing is what makes this game so fun. Its wen u do **** like this that really gets to me. If u blew me out in a game, i would be a little upset at myself for losing but i would not complain about u beating me. If u were up by 10 points with only 2 seconds left and u call a timeout just because u wanna run up the score some more, then i got issues. I can understand if u are playing ur friend or something and u just wanna rub it in on him, then thats coo. Cuz me and my friends do that to each other once in a while. But if u dont know the person, then have some class and play a straight game. That extra points won't make a difference in a game, all it does is show how much class u got. Which is zero for most players online now days.