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Old 11-01-2008, 06:58 PM   #89
Need A Life
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Re: NBA Live 365 Status Update

Originally Posted by joel0078
I already acknowledged that there are obviously going to be problems within the early stages. But thanks for quoting only part of what I said and then repeating back to me what I already said, but in your own words.....Goes to show that you either didn't thoroughly read my post, or you just missed part of it.

I've been buying both Live and 2k for the last five years. I buy them both sight unseen because I'm a fan of both games. Having said that, I am entitled to talk about the short comings of Live. Now if I was one of these guys who never bothered playing the game, I would keep my mouth shut. But I'm not that guy. Even if I had zero knowledge about the game and just bought it because I'm a ****** basketball fan, I'd still have the right to complain about this particular issue. Like I've said twice now, I'm sure the problems will eventually get worked out.
You missed the point. If you believe EA to have as shaky of a recent history and have no faith in their ability to put out new features without flaw or without delay, then that's on you for purchasing the game sight unseen.

This is not without precedent. 2k and EA have both had hiccups whenever they have added some new online component. It's sucks but it happens. We're 4 days in to the NBA season, so it's a little to early to get the torches and pitchforks out.

But certain people live to complain, so they will, and certain other people love to complain about EA so for them they get a double whammy.
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