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Old 11-01-2008, 09:37 PM   #98
OVR: 4
Join Date: Aug 2003
Re: NBA Live 365 Status Update

Originally Posted by bkrich83
Certainly it does apply. As I said, test environment is one thing. The XBL production environment is huge. Some things that may work in test won't neccesarily work in production. Some things simply can not be tested in production on a production scale.

Replay games are indeed working, I played one last night.

This does provide a good excuse for the people that like to complain about all things EA however.

If you want to scream the sky is falling because some new component is not working properly the first week, so be it. We had the same problems with the NFL 2k series, with Madden and with NCAA when they all went online or added new online features. It's the nature of the technology.
the 365 issues don't have anything to do with xbox live. they're not on ps3 either. i'm not screaming the sky is falling and i'm not complaining about all things ea. i love live 09, and that's why i'm passionate about being able to use the 365 features. plus it doesnt help that this is the KEY component of the game this year. have you seen any of the commercials??? it's not some throw away selling point that's quirky in the beginning and can be patched later. based on the press and ad spin, it should have worked from jump street.

now having said that, and understanding my frustrations with live 365, understand that i still love the game and fully expect the "kinks" to be worked out shortly. i just wish they had spent some more time prepping for the start of the nba season...
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