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Old 11-07-2008, 11:30 PM   #15
OVR: 17
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: East coast
someone above touched on this but didnt really delve further into it....Aside from the whole 2K analog pitching mechanic discussion, I felt that that actual look and feel of pitches just didnt feel right or immersive. In the Show and even MVP, the batter/pitcher experience had a much more immersive feel to it. When you were playing, you almost felt as if the pitches were coming right thru the screen into your lap. The perspective, the pitched ball physics, the way a fastball hummed and slightly increased in size as it came closer to the screen really gave that enjoyable illusion of batting.

In 2K, the ball seems to disappear off the screen much too early as if it never quite gets to the plate. The batters seem to swing so randomly that they dont even appear as if they are trying to make contact but rather look as if they are just pre programmed to swing at certain situations.

The Show's batting and pitching experience seems so much more immersive and organic for the player which makes it a much more fun

2K needs to really work on this part of the game
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