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Old 11-28-2008, 04:33 PM   #56
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Re: Five Ways to Make 09 The Show a Hit

Originally Posted by jim416
I totally agree with what you say about the "arcade" comments. I don't want to go through hoops to play a game, especially when the intended hoops don't work right.

It's like the running controls. I just get one down and then they come up with a new one. I play on line and have to use the NEW running scheme, but I always play on CLASSIC. They are backwards to one another and learning the NEW one was/is still confusing to me. The NEW scheme makes no sense to me.

I don't get the button pressing being to simple when the right/stick left stick in 2k is a mess (my opinion).

We can get variances, I hope, through sliders. Leave stuff simple and let sliders do the heavy work. HH had one button pitching and there were times you couldn't throw a strike and I never felt like it was scripted, ever.

I absolutely hate the swing stick, guess many people love it, but not me. Innovation is not always good if it's not done to perfection.
I agree. New controls for the sake of being "new" is not the answer. 2K's a good example of this. It seems like every year they change the controls and forget to tune the gameplay they're controlling. People go on and on about the "innovation" of R Stick pitching, but it's just plain broken. What's the point if I can get better results with a meter, or even "classic" pitching? It's more an indictment of the results (meatballs? really?) than the mechanic, but that's the point. Why change the mechanic if you're not impoving the results?

As for the swing stick, I just don't get it. I don't like it because it's timing only and, more importantly, it doesn't allow for enough hit variety as currently constituted. I don't feel any more like a "real" hitter by swinging a teeny stick back and forth...but that's me.

I actually get why there's a call for "new" fielding controls, because many find the fielding to be a weak point. I think it's more a transitional animation thing than a control thing though.

These functions are all pretty popular though, it seems. If SCEA could incorporate them for those who feel they need them (without infringing on what's already good and fuctional) then I'm all for it.
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