12-12-2008, 03:07 AM
Defining Moments Rant
You know, I can handle the dozen or so frequent bugs/imbalances that occur on a game by game basis. These things still drive me up the wall, but I will live with them. I can even live with how screwed up defining moments are, except I am about to lose my franchise that I have spent many hours building up to a string of bad luck and a string of idiotic DMs.
These DMs are so ****ing messed up, it is depressing. Twice in one game it came up with DMs in horrible situations telling me to do stupid things that would overwhelmingly likely cause me to lose the game, or else automatically lose alot of approval. I lost a hell of alot of approval that one game, so much so that I will most likely be fired. This is just stupid.
To top worse upon worse, you can only call a limited variety of plays in a DM. I mean holy crap, you guys (the Devs) f*ed this part up.
What a damn shame this game is sometimes.