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Old 12-18-2008, 09:24 PM   #44
youALREADYknow's Arena
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Re: When a Patch is Just Too Late to Save a Game

Originally Posted by OMT
The three months are getting it approved and the disks getting manufactured. We cannot make ANY changes in that period of time unless the game is failed by the 3rd party. Then we fix the bug they found and the whole process starts over again. They don't fail a game for not being good enough... they fail it for crashes, save/load... things like that.
Maybe console game development really is THAT different from PC software development, but that line of thought is ridiculous coming from my field of work. You create a new branch and develop off of that branch which becomes the basis for the patch.

I'm not employed at EA, so I'm not going to ask you to go back and forth with me on this but it's obvious that the current testing and feedback cycle is not working and I just hope that somewhere internally you guys are making some changes for the better for next year's game.

Contrary to the comments of some others, I believe NCAA 09 is actually a great game in the areas that work as designed... it's just the 20 other bugs and flawed logic that make the game seem as if it's held together by paper clips and Elmer's glue.
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