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Old 12-20-2008, 11:13 PM   #6
btown12's Arena
OVR: 17
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: NJ
Re: Now that the novelty has worn off...

Originally Posted by BadassBookworm
My last game I had 46 shots on goal vs. the other team's 23. I lost 3-0. That is simply ridiculous. How is that fun?
The caps outshot the Flyers 48-28 today (25-6 in the 1st period alone)...and lost 7-1.

This stuff happens in real hockey and I've seen it happen in this game. The best advice, as others have said, is to take the time and find sliders that work for your game. Unfortunately most sports games are not going to play perfectly out of the box for each person and this game is no exception. It might take 10+ games to find the correct sliders but if you don't put forth an effort there's really no sense in complaining.
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