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Old 01-01-2009, 02:48 AM   #124
OVR: 31
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Re: Major League Baseball 2K9 Info Coming Monday?

Originally Posted by asu666
It's my understanding that Kush was owned by VC and when VC closed it down they integrated the parts and people they wanted into their own team. With that being the case VC can use the same engines Kush was using because they developed them and gave them to Kush to build the game on.
Its ultimately the same core engine that VC and various other dev teams (Treyarch, Blackbox etc) have been using across the entire line (NHL, NBA, MLB) since it was still Segasports. The only things that have changed really are spit and polish graphically and new features. At the core though alot of the engine systems are still using the same code, alot of it broken code, from a good 6 or more years ago.
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