Hey guys, I'm extremely excited. Finally going to upgrade to the next generation of gaming with a PS3. It was a tough choice between XBOX 360 and PS3, but I decided to move to the Sony console after having owned an XBOX in the old generation.
Now I need to decide what games I'm going to start off my PS3 gaming days with. I have enough money to get 2 games, but feel free to recommend more games for future purchases.
I'm into first person shooters and sports games mostly. I think I'm going to hold off on my sports games purchases for a bit though because I still very much enjoy playing games on my original XBOX. I've also decided to get Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare as one of my games. I've played it on the PC, but I enjoy the console version a lot more. I've also played COD5: WAW a lot and decided that I'm more of a COD4: MW guy. Though COD5: WAW may be a future purchase.
Other then that, I'm looking at Resistance 2, Fallout 3, Killzone 2 (eventually!), SOCOM: Confrontation, Mirror's Edge, and LittleBigPlanet. But definitely feel free to recommend something that I haven't looked into too much.
Thanks for any help. It's such a good problem to have!