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Old 01-12-2009, 09:14 PM   #9
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Re: "PadreCast" talks MLB 2K9 Features..

I don't really know what Chase was talking about when it came to influencing hitting.

The way I see influencing hitting, it has to do with how the player is swinging, and nothing more. If you want to influence a fly ball, you are going to uppercut your swing. If you want to influence a ground ball, you are going to chop down on the ball. If you make perfect contact (meaning not over or under the ball), you will hit what you wanted to hit. The pitch height is irrelevant. The only way that pitch height matters is how often a player normally is able to get under a low pitch or above a high pitch, which isn't often.

The other difference is a player's normal approach to that pitch given the timing, meaning to get a pitch at the knees, your bat must go down to get that from your shoulders, or wherever your hands begin prior to the swing. If you time it correctly, you should get the bat hitting its absolute minimum on the "swinging plane" and you should be able to produce a line drive. Same goes with a high pitch (though the top of the zone should be no higher than the belly button, so you shouldn't be chasing higher pitches anyway).

I'll make a small table showing what should happen in the result of a normal, uppercut, or chopped swing in relevance to how your bat meets with the ball (over/under, dead-on, etc.). This is assuming you've met with the ball at the right time, so the height of the pitch should be completely irrelevant:

So you see, I think the way that he said it was more on the lines of: "If you influence a fly ball on a high pitch, you'll have greater success." On a rare occasion, this is correct; though we must keep in mind that normally a hitter drops his hands to the pitch first, so on the point of coming back up for a high pitch, it will normally result in a pop up. If you know where that sucker is coming beforehand, then you have a shot at a nice fly ball, if not a home run. But the truth is, you're influencing it by changing your bat angle on contact, by uppercutting your swing. Just keep that in mind. Now I'm not saying that this is how 2K will do it (or how SCEA does it), but IMO this is how it should be done. Zone hitting and timing takes care of the rest... where you place your bat on the ball.

Oh, and MVP didn't use zone hitting. They used a timed system with influencing your hits just like 2K7. Just something else I picked up on that I thought might have needed some addressing.

EDIT: And just for clarification, it was Chase who said that he was 95% sure meatballs would be gone from the game.
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