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Old 01-14-2009, 02:49 PM   #58
RGiles36's Arena
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Re: How will you approach Madden this year?

Originally Posted by matt8204
Admittedly, I still live at home but I do work full-time and help out my mom and grandmother with the bills. To me, it doesn't make sense to spend a ridiculous amount of money each month to rent a place that's five minutes away from my house. I'm still single and don't plan on getting married anytime soon. Maybe in a couple of years when I'm making a bit more money and the economy improves, I'll get a place with a friend and split the expenses.
Man, take your time. I'm not very old myself, but I share an apartment with my girlfriend. Without her, there's no way I'd be out there on my own. Still, I only said what I said b/c Mjenness basically implied that many of us here are about 12-16 years old and still get an allowance. That's what I was disputing.
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