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Old 01-17-2009, 03:09 PM   #4
OVR: 16
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Kalamazoo, MI
Blog Entries: 6
I think create a play is most definitely left out of games due to that reason, Timmay. There's already tons of money plays in football and basketball games. Being able to customize the cheese could definitely make things challenging on the programmers with regards to the CPU AI. It didn't break NHL 09 because there's only so much you can do in hockey. There's just five guys and the puck. In football, creating plays could definitely break the AI, if people abused it (which they would, as they already abuse every little loophole in the games as is).

I'm all for customization personally. I really wish a football game had a create-a-play feature. I just don't know how great it'd work out in the ranked lobbies of Cheeseville, USA. For playing against fellow sim gamers, I could see it being a fantastic addition. With the lack of innovation in football games these days, I'm shocked something as simple as creating plays hasn't made it into the games. It's only been like 20 freaking years now! Come on!
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