01-18-2009, 06:22 AM
OVR: 27
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 3,292
Re: Skate 2 Demo Available, Impressions Here
A few things... Perhaps already mentioned, not sure...
Seems like you can gain speed a lot easier on half pipes, and it almost seems like a bit too much. The off board controls are pretty bad. The camera seems slightly better than the one in the first game, giving you a better look and being a bit more functional. The video editor is great, with a lot of variety of angles and zooms. The game looks a lot better and is a lot smoother, though this is on the PS3 mind you (the original Skate on the PS3 was kind of "choppy" at times). The new moves are a nice addition, if only to give more variety (still think they need to add more).
I liked the first skate a lot, and thought it had many areas where it could be improved upon. All the stuff I've been reading and watching about Skate 2 hasn't really impressed me, but the demo did for sure.
Looking forward to the release this coming week.
All ties severed...