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Old 01-23-2009, 08:56 PM   #127
Animal Liberation
EnigmaNemesis's Arena
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Join Date: Apr 2006
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Re: Major League Baseball 2K9 Screenshots

Originally Posted by Knight165
I can attest to Enigma being quite passionate about 2K last year.
We got into a couple of nice heated "debates"
He's no Show homer....he may love it now....but I'll tell you....if 2K delivers...he'll love that too.
Can't blame him for being a little gun shy(or anyone else)...quite a few people felt a little burned after that release last year. There was a lot of B.S. going on.
Just sayin'.

Thanks Knight, I really do hope it delivers as well, so there is two great games on the market.

Originally Posted by Crash Davis
I can understand why It could look that way, but really nah 2k made it this way, Yeah I love the show as much as the next guy, but I dont hate 2k cuz I love the show. Im very skeptical of 2k after being burned badly last year, 2k6 and 7 werent good either but at least 2k7 had potential and after all the lies they told us last year and they dropped one of the worst games in its own franchise maybe the worst in next gen sports so far.
I as well as you and anyone else have a right to be skeptical of them. I just dont like watching Fellow OSers get hyped up on this 2k9 stuff cuz its not real until its in front of you with this game specifically.
Overall though why wouldnt I want this game to succeed thats just foolishness, Why not have 2 good ball games instead of one? Its not hating its bracing some people on possible dissapointment. We dont bash 2k, 2k bashes itself and then makes promises that usually dont pan out. Thats just the way its always been so far HOPEFULLY VC can change that
Exactly how I feel. And there is plenty of skepticism and criticism by Show gamers over on that forum as well. Me especially with the online component.
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Last edited by EnigmaNemesis; 01-23-2009 at 08:59 PM.
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