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Old 01-28-2009, 02:21 AM   #46
OVR: 11
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Chicago, IL
Re: IGN 2k9 Hands On

Originally Posted by BadKermit
Yeah, but think about it this way. Assume a sports game basically gets a 1-year development cycle. That's 365 days of development (I know, weekends, holidays, etc.). Divide that into 10 segments, and even at 90% complete, they have about 37 days to work on that final 10% (again, I know, testing, pressing discs, shipping, etc.). If all they have left to work on is improving the frame rate in that last 10%, they probably have over a month to work on it exclusively.

10% of a game certainly isn't an insignificant amount.
I sure hope so. I want 2k9 to be great and I can't wait for some vids to see how smooth the game plays.
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