Bryce Brown to the CFL?
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02-04-2009, 10:09 AM
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Bryce Brown to the CFL?
In Kansas, a Players’ Agent Lines Up the College Recruits -
Football recruiting is an inexact science, but Bryce Brown is considered a potential star.
Along with Miami, his main suitors are Southern California, Oregon, Tennessee, Auburn and Kansas State. He has two official visits remaining and is expected to take them at Auburn, Tennessee or U.S.C., but may not decide on a college until mid-March.
Butler said he would explore the possibility of Brown’s skipping college and going to the Canadian Football League next season if approached by a team. He mentioned the idea of a team paying Brown $5 million a year for three years. But the salary cap for entire C.F.L. teams is $4.2 million Canadian.
“If they were talking about any amount of real money,” Butler said, “I’d guarantee it.”
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