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Old 02-08-2009, 08:17 PM   #52
OVR: 5
Join Date: Feb 2009
I noticed a couple things wrong when I played the demo. 1st was the hitting. I routinley missed a fastball down the middle of the plate. Now I was 256-42 in my online career in 08 I shouldnb't be mising meat balls like that. They need to fix that before the release. 2nd and I think this could cause a huge problem potentially many of you know there was a pick off glitch in previous versons of the game. Although this isn't a pick off glitch it is simular. Because you now have the ability to quick throw (without it taking forever like in years past) If you have a runner on 1st and hit a line drive to the 2nd baseman all he has to do is push "O" just before he catches it to quick throw, and the runner on 1st will lolly gag his way back only if he is let's say 1 or 2 steps off and it will be an out 99% of the time. The 3rd actually gave me flash backs to 06 the show. And anyone who has played that one knows what I'm talking about. If your running at the ball it will just skip on by to the wall.
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