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Old 02-10-2009, 12:32 PM   #91
youALREADYknow's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 10 Info

Originally Posted by number305
Are you sure? I thought it was already said that the players are going to do the exact same thing as in last years game, except their heads will be turned to be looking at the ball.

I don't think this procedural awareness changes AI. I think it just changes where they are looking. Which does not sound right... but that is what I have got from this thread so far. Please correct me if I'm wrong. ( I would love to be wrong on this )
Yes, you are wrong. Players will no longer be able to react to events that are not in their line of sight. The impact on WR/DB interaction should be huge and defensive awareness should be greatly reduced in situations where the player is not looking at the ball. For example, we shouldn't see players making 180 degree spins in the air to catch an INT.

Obviously the devs will need to change/remove/add animations to make this work properly and I have my doubts about how well this will be done. Still, this was a much needed change to gameplay that many of us asked for in the past.
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