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Old 02-10-2009, 01:27 PM   #58
OVR: 5
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Milan, MI
Re: Major League Baseball 2K9 Developer Diary: Gameplay

Eh... sounds good, but all the jazz they were blowing out their butt trumpets sounded great this time last year too. Color me super skeptical on this one. Sure I guess I'll buy it but that doesn't mean I necessarily have to like it. If I feel it's as bad as 2k8 was then I'll probably get a PS3 for the Show. I mean... if the game's a flop like 2k8 it's only $60 wasted which isn't that huge a deal, but the thought of paying over $500 just to play video game baseball without making the Kermit face does kind of make me a little upset to think about.
Russell_SCEA> It's not our job to make a reviewer do his homework and actually play the game to see all the changes, additions, and tweaks we make every year. If he/she is lazy that's on them not us.
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