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Old 02-10-2009, 01:56 PM   #65
myghty's Arena
OVR: 31
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Oxnard beach front
Re: Major League Baseball 2K9 Developer Diary: Gameplay

Originally Posted by baa7
Put it this way: One of the mods on the 2K forum brilliantly pointed out that removing the step influence feature reduces the swing stick to a glorified button hitting system. Think about it. There's really no difference:

Push the stick up when the pitch arrives = push a button when the pitch arrives.

The difference -- the thing that set swing stick hitting apart from button hitting -- is the leg kick/timing mechanism component. And now that's gone. Now the batter in 2K stands at the plate, and you simply push a particular control to activate the swing animation... which is EXACTLY the same way The Show's button hitting system operates.
I totally agree with you. They shouldn't have removed the old way of batting which gave experts more of a challenge when batting. This is one of the few games that felt really, really good when you hit a HR. Made me feel like I earned it when I timed it perfectly. Oh well, still intrigued by the game.
"In a year that has been so improbable, the impossible has happened." - Vin Scully

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