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Old 02-15-2009, 11:45 PM   #58
Re: Major League Baseball 2K9 Video: Rays @ Phillies 1st

Originally Posted by spankdatazz22
True, but I kinda disagree that it kills the effect. I think it's important that the effort doesn't get discounted because it's not perceived as being implemented perfectly. You always hear us old school gamers talk about how games were more enjoyable in the past - well imo part of that was our willingness to suspend belief to accept the fantasy. I could see where it's a bit disconnecting to see a player get a real time injury then suddenly walk off the field normally. But personally I'm willing to suspend belief enough to not need to see a visual representation of the player being helped from the field. Of course it'd be preferred if VC nailed the real-time injury stuff as the did a terrific job implementing real-time injuries in NBA2K9 (and to a lesser degree, APF). Perhaps one way they could get around having injured players bounce up and walk off the field is to not have the camera cut back to the injured player as they do in APF. So it's a little more than what's done in APF, and a little less than NBA2K9.

I agree wholeheartedly w/your point about the double-edged sword, as they're doing something incredibly cool with the real-time world stuff but as such you see people automatically expecting more. And the comparison/expectation to what would happen in real life makes it a little unfair (imo). It's the same effect that occurs in games like Oblivion; the more games come closer to real life the more flaws may stand out. I just think it's important we understand the accomplishment and not discount things because they're not implemented flawlessly.
That's a very good point, and I don't disagree with your opinion per say, it's just that, in my own mind, it sort of kills the believability. Seriously, like I said, what they're going for is very very neat stuff, but again, it almost means they have to be even more careful, and ultimately, more perfect.

Haha, I know we're not really debating since we both basically agree, I'm mostly just babbling.

Again, I like where they are going, but I think next year is when this real world concept will start to hit it's full potential.

I DO believe, however, that the animations either need to be redone, or drastically improved.
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