02-22-2009, 12:44 PM
OVR: 12
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Ontario
Re: Question regarding game momentum.
If we had momentum added with things such as meters, icons, etc. it would help if there was an option to remove it if the user sees fit. You can't go wrong with options IMO.
There will always be those people that like seeing stuff such as weapons, in-game icons, and whatever other visuals give them an idea on what can help, as well as people that want their game to be clean, basic, well-played football.
For those in-between, if they want to see what going on with their players from time to time, they can just press start click on the option, and head back in-game.
Either way you look at it, momentum has its role in all sports including football. If it gets added or not doesn't really matter to me at this point since I'm the person just wants to see gameplay hit the point where it surpasses all other football games on the market.