02-22-2009, 08:07 PM
Hall Of Fame
OVR: 37
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Kingsville, ONT
Community Event Updates
Hey guys, I'll try to do my best and update on anything during the community event.
And remember, everything that Complex or I (or anyone at the event for that matter) can reveal is totally dependant on the NDA so don't blame us if we can't blab about everything.
Anyway, I'm in Vancouver now and got a really cool surprise while waiting for my connecting flight in Dallas. I bumped into a few members of the EA Tiberon team from Orlando. Very nice guys and very excited to see what the EAC team has in store for FN Rd4.
It sounds like everyone being invited to this event is going out for a late supper (8pm PST).
But tomorrow is the big day as we'll actually get to see the game in action.
I know that Complex and I will do our best to update any news as it comes.