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Old 02-22-2009, 11:21 PM   #1785
spitoon's Arena
OVR: 8
Join Date: Apr 2004
Re: MLB 09 The Show Demo Available, Post Impressions Here

Originally Posted by dave_sz

Another thing that keeps happening to me is that I can't seem to preload the 2nd baseman for double plays. Say the SS picks the ball up and throws it to the 2nd baseman, while the ball is in the air I'll hold O to preload a throw to 1st, but it doesn't always register...
Actually, I have seen that issue where the throw doesn't happen from 2nd to 1st in this demo. I saw it occasionally in '08 as well. I'm not sure if it's a timing thing or what, but it is very rare. I suppose it could be something that I'm doing wrong, but DP's work 95% of the time so I'm doing some of it right.

As far as 'collision detection' goes. While it would be nice, if you really think about it, it is going to be a huge undertaking. Just taking that image as an example, think about what would have to happen if this game had full collision detection...there'd have to be an entire new library of animations/mo-caps to deal with the guy hitting Howard's legs and the resulting 'collision' (or partial collision/avoidance). You couldn't just have the guy hit Howard and stop dead, or you'd have a 10 page thread about how unrealistic the collisions are. No easy task to be sure.
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