02-24-2009, 08:49 AM
OVR: 16
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: FORT LAUDERDALE, FL PSN:DonVCorleone
Re: New Madden NFL 10 blog post - QB improvements
not to be a "debbie downer" but im still a little skeptical.
everything Ian has said or shown us has been a GREAT IMPROVEMENT on madden.
but im still not convinced.
the game is so far from being an nfl sim that much more work has to be done.
i hope qb's have different animations. runners run like they do in real life.....not all the same.
wrs look/play like they do
nose tackles in a 3-4 DO draw double team attention, not just a center block a 350lb NT every play.
wr/cb interaction
what about qbs who hike and dart out of the pocket? the new "throwing on the run rating" sounds good but when people hike & dart the qb to the sidelines they DO NOT throw on the run. they set up the qb outside of the pocket and plant their feet. this "new rating" wont stop those cheesers. maybe making the DE break off his block, like real life as the tackle only guards inside to a qb standing in the pocket, would help.
bring back the MAN COVERAGE option on zones where my man will follow the wr across the field and the rest of the zones adjust(madden 06 reg xbox)
i want fades to work. i want plax to be able to jump OVER a cb in the corber of the endzone using his 6'5" height
theres a lot of things that need to be improved.
ian & co are taking the proper steps towards making the game a SIM game and making the cheesers adjust to sim, but a lot more work has to be done.
that fat slob, david ortiz, messed up the entire madden game for quite sometime and its a daunting task and im SURE Ian & co can fix it.....but i dont know about fixing it in time for madden 2010.