02-27-2009, 12:38 PM
War Eagle, Go Braves!
OVR: 69
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Alabama
Posts: 14,706
Not having the game yet it is hard to say what isn't hot about the game, but I do know that the game is still missing some key online features that make that part not so hot.
By not letting the commish of a league replace players in a league that drop out with new ones really can hurt a league's momentum and cause it to die early. Also, because online is flakey sometimes, a league game can be ended early and the commish does not have the power to reset the game so it can be played again. The last thing that really needs to be added to the online part of the game is full stat tracking in a league. It's kinda boring seeing the 2008 numbers for a player when they come up to bat in a 2009 league game.