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Old 03-05-2009, 10:23 PM   #5
OVR: 3
Join Date: Aug 2004
Re: can someone please explain hitting to me???

Originally Posted by mrsinister11
Listen, I know I sound like a complete newb, but for the life of me I just don't get it. first I hear you move the left stick while you swing, then I hear the right stick, then I hear move the left stick to where the ball is pitched but use the right stick to influence fly balls. WTF?

Can someone please give me a short little guide here on how the eff you are actually supposed to hit in this game. thank you.
If you're having trouble, don't worry about the right stick. It's used to influence ground balls or fly balls, but it's not necessary to hit well. If you're playing all-star or higher, you will need to move the left stick to where the ball is pitched (on rookie & veteran, it doesn't really matter much). You can still make contact if, for example, you move the stick to an outside pitch but the pitch actually comes inside, but in this case your contact will be weak and you'll likely pop up or hit a dribbler.

The thing that helped me the most was going into practice and turning on the batting API (the yellow circle that shows your plate coverage) -- this helped me see how moving the left stick was impacting my swings. I also had the pitcher throw only fastballs so I could work on my timing and laying off bad pitches without having to worry about determining which pitch was coming
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