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Old 03-07-2009, 01:04 PM   #79
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Re: MLB '09: The Show Review

Originally Posted by Newfgamer
You hate hockey, I see, and I have an agenda, lol. Irrelevant, as a game NHL 09 is abotu as realistic and good as it gets. Board play? Thats the way it is in real life, if some do not like it, well, it is a part of the game, that's what makes it so great.

Comparing it to the show is ridiculous because you do not like hockey? Hockey video games are awesome, even if you do not like watching the sport. I am not the one with the agenda it seems.
If your opinion on these topics mattered more than everyone else, you'd have a point. Since this stuff is purely subjective and your opinion does not equal fact, you don't really can't act like it's some sort of travesty.

A review is one mans opinion. That's it. The same as your ramblings are your opinion. Nothing more nothing less. Certainly not something to lose sleep over.

I am out, enjoy your ice soccer game.
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