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Old 03-10-2009, 03:14 AM   #140
OVR: 6
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Hollywood, California
Re: MLB '09: The Show Review

Hey if you guys think the developers of this game can only improve it 5 tenths of a percent to make it perfect, then you're in some kind alternative universe. If you're writing a review to compare it to 2K then that's one thing. Reviewing a game on it's own merits is another. 5/10 of a point from perfect is ridiculous when it can't keep players from walking through each other and can't offer a better pitching method than PGA Tour 98.

I will say that when I played today, there was a patch downloaded and it seemed to fix some of the graphical glitches i saw earlier, but still didn't fix the lag or the horrible collision detection.
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