Absolutely ridiculous. I don't
have an NFL team.I'm from Alabama and live in Oklahoma--2 states with no NFL teams. I prefer to run the 3-4 defense. So now I can only use certain teams?
Also, part of what keeps the game fresh for me is switching offensive playbooks. I rarely use the same one twice in a row online. Sometimes i just hold the button and select one randomly, other times I start with the Bears PB and just go in order--changing to the next one before every game. Your idea would drastically reduce the length of time I played Madden.
Horrible idea. You have no say over what team I use, what PB I use, or what style I play. If I want to run 5 wide every play, thats up to me. If I want to run Twin TE Big every play then thats up to me. What if
I don't like
your team, or style, or PB? Should I be able to make run less if I prefer to defend the pass? Should I not allow you to use the Ravens, for example, just because you might live on the west coast? Where does it end?
To borrow your analogy, when's the last time an NFL coach had a say in what his opponent did? Man up or go home. And fwiw, this is coming from a very sim style baller.