Well if they do then it would be cool to see a rating for each pitching coach. They all have the ability to help the pitcher's but some are just better and can help pitcher's out maybe a little more. Either way I think SCEA can figure out that part of it (they are geniuses when it comes to baseball).
So basically just have little cutscenes of the pitching coach talking to the pitcher only when the pitcher is REALLY struggling. This is all random and not something that you can control otherwise you would just do it every half inning lol. Only when your pitcher's confidence gets to a certain point so it can help prolong his start maybe. I just find it crazy sometimes to lose confidence so quickly and have to pull your pitcher just because you already used a mound visit. This is something that happens in baseball in the dugout that does help a pitcher at least eat up another inning. It never turns his outting around 180 degrees where he ends up not giving up a hit after giving up 9 in the first 3 but you get what I mean.