03-16-2009, 09:23 AM
OVR: 15
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Saint Louis MO
Re: Bar has been raised
Yeah sadly if its not on the 360 some people will begin to hate. As far as people using the PS3 as only a Bluray player, they are either lost, blind or are missing out. I love the 360, but the PS3 also has some great games, MLB09 the show being one of them. The Show has raised the bar as far as sports game goes. I think Madden 10 can meet the MLB09 standards this year, its all upto what the developers put into it. MLB07 - MLB08 was nice leap as far as graphics gameplay, etc. NFL2K4-NFL2K5 took a huge leap, NBA2K6 - NBA2K7 took a nice leap forward also.Madden 09-Madden10 needs to do the same thing. No more excusses for Madden.. maybe next year, we didn't have time, etc. Especially if we are wanting the same things we have been asking for, for like 5 years now and things and features that other sports games have - MLB09,NBA2K9,NFL2K5. So far it seems the Madden devs are prepping Madden to take ascend to the next level with Madden10, we shall see.