03-30-2009, 12:04 PM
Re: Why I'm Done With NBA Basketball This Year: NBA Live 09
For me, the key is where does EA take this series from where it is at, to go foreward?
I really believe that the two series, Live and NBA 2k are at major turning points.
At the begining of next gen, EA decided to basically go the slash and burn approach to rebuilding this game, and paid a savage price for it. They lost many of the people who have been playing EA Basketball since Lakers Vs. Celtics.
I turned to 2k in 05.
The 2k engine is aging. It cant keep up with the flash and dash...that they are adding to the game. Yes, it looks beautiful, and there are animations a-plenty..but the game engine cannot handle them.
Ea seems to be building...and they actually seem more concerned with getting the meat and potatoes of the game correct...while 2k seems to be getting away from the very things that attracted me to it in the 1st place.
It's like the 2 brands are swapping identities.
I always knew that the Basketball in Live was more free wheeling, and I was willing to accept that, because EA never gave me a reason to believe that they were trying to be Sim.
If (And this always a very big if when we are talking about EA) Live continues to focus on representing the NBA game well, as opposed to the "Boo-Yah!" moments..this game is going to be great...really soon.