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Old 03-31-2009, 12:43 PM   #198
Cade Cunningham
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog: Customization

I think a lot of this stuff is great. Different game speed options and sliders, cpu sliders, fatigue and injury sliders (usually too low at default) will all improve the game.

But I really have to disagree with Ian about the Global Special Teams sliders. EA ruined the kicking game imo when they went to analog kicking. It made it far too easy to kick overall and nearly impossible to miss on kicks when the ball is spotted in the middle of the hashes. Kick length has always been too long on default (at least for NCAA). If I think the cpu kickers are near perfect this year on default but hit 100% of my field goals, how am I supposed to finetune that? If you drop FG accuracy down to 0, the cpu may start to shank everything. Please separate the special teams sliders. This is the first bad decision I've read on Madden this year (my opinion of course). Better yet, allow us to use the old 3 button system for kicking. The results were SO much better.

Now that we are talking about the kicking game, it really doesn't make sense with how the game depicts field goal length. The arc we put on the kick does almost nothing but it should matter with respect to blocked kicks and lengths (mainly on the 50+ yard field goals). Furthermore, every kicker alive will never, ever be short on a kick inside of 45 yards so why does the power meter play such an important role? It should have a minimal effect on kicking (at most 10 yards from being bottomed out to being maxed out). The only real trick in kicking field goals is accuracy and just pushing up and down on the R-stick is terrible imo. At least add a drift to the accuracy arrow or do something to make it better (go back to the old way).
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