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Old 03-31-2009, 09:45 PM   #224
Megatron2k7's Arena
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: New Auburn, WI
Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog: Customization

Originally Posted by coogrfan

Another guy who doesn't seem to understand what "customization" means. I keed, I keeeed...

Not everyone wants a "sim experience" (in fact, I would venture a guess that most Madden fans don't). Given that fact, the only way were going to get a sim-type game from Madden is if it's something the user can opt out of if they so choose.

That's where the speed differential slider comes in. It will allow the individual user to tailor the game experience according to their own tastes. If some people want arcade football with lots of big plays, they can just crank that baby up. If others might prefer a grind it out type game with an emphasis on strategy...turn it down. If someone wants something in between, leave it on the default setting for the difficulty level you prefer.

I'm really not seeing a problem here, in fact I think this is one of the better ideas EA has implemented in a long time. It make's it possible for the game to be all things to all people in a way that difficulty settings alone can not.

Sorry man, but I'm gonna stand my ground on this one, and disagree. I think most of us in here want a sim experience......not arcade.

I have no problem if the slider works in stages, like it looks like it was going to in the March 9th blog. I really don't mind as much when I think of Rookie and Pro difficulty having this unrealistic differential, but, like I said.... my concern is the fact that it now looks like it will be a 0-100 scale.

When playing online, will we be at sim speed differential, or one of the unrealistic expanded differentials...??? What if realistic speed differential doesn't occur until All Madden difficulty, and we are left playing on All Pro online...???

Does anyone in here want to play online where your 75 speed LB will suddenly play like he has 65 speed just to make the 90+ speed guys stand out all the more...???

I live in WI bro... I know cheese when I see it....

By the way.......... I do understand what customization is, and I appreciate every bit of it that we are receiving, except this one area. No need to insult me like I don't know what I'm talking about. I've been playing this game since it all started ..... over 20 years now.......I think I've earned the right to state my opinion of something that may turn out to be questionable in this game.
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