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Old 04-01-2009, 04:44 PM   #154
Lava's Arena
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Blog Entries: 5
Re: New blog: QB Vision 3.0

Originally Posted by XSafety20
A few things here...

For one, I love the fact that they are bringing back the cone. It'll add another dimension to the game entirely (as most of you know). I think the fact that the cone would have to be turned off in-game would make for a bad idea, why not just have an option in the gameplay settings to have it on/off/optional just like it was on PS2?

Secondly, (although I know this is still in it's early stages) I would absolutely hate to have the color coding implemented. I'm only saying this because I am reacting to what I see and how much (or little) information I've been told about it. I think it takes away from the human error aspect. Since in real-life you don't have some magic light guiding you to make the correct pass, you shouldn't have it in Madden either. I think the cone in previous Maddens was perfectly fine (just implement the new controls stated in the blog).

Thirdly, (again, I'm just reacting to what I know so far) does the field look really short to any one else? I mean, if I hadn't looked at the field, I'd say the Card's were only 30 yards out max. This might be a bit of an illusion since the cone is overtop, but I'm just saying. And since the field looks so small, the players appear to be huge.

I certainly don't want to be a downer, but I figure this stuff is miniscule in comparison to some things people are posting about. But don't get me wrong, I love the fact that they're bringing back the cone, I just wish I had more information about it...
Please tell me you're not serious.
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