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Old 04-04-2009, 04:05 AM   #52
OVR: 8
Join Date: Nov 2004
Re: PC Patch is OUT

Finally got to sit down and finish my first full game after the patch.

There is definitely a difference in terms of CPU aggression at the plate. They're not swinging at EVERYTHING now, no doubt about it. I don't think it's the extreme change some people will be looking for, but it's definitely there. And considering some of the other stuff I've read on threads, adjusting sliders, and the PC modders working their magic w/ roster/other updates, I'm really not worried about this anymore at all. It may take a little while, but the foundation has been laid for this problem to be solved fully. I struck out the CPU looking 3 times in the first 3 innings, they took pitches, etc. Not an excessive change, but a clear change nonetheless.

No issues w/ 1B, although I can't say I had it happen much before.

Same thing with OF's, everything was fine. I'm not sure how everyone puts their OF's in position to catch, but I never really try to put them in that yellow circle, always a little bit in front of it, and I've never had an issue. So all good on this front as well.

Beyond that, I guess all I need to know now is how franchise is working, because from what I've heard there still might be a few things which weren't patched up. If some of it is related to injuries, personally I would just turn injuries off and deal with a universal no-injuries franchise, but I can understand some not accepting that. But I would say once we see a roster update from the community adjusting to this patch, sliders doing the same, this game is pretty solid.
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