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Old 04-10-2009, 01:09 PM   #151
jdrhammer's Arena
OVR: 19
Join Date: Feb 2008
Re: NCAA Football 10 Blog: Pocket Protection

Originally Posted by Sweatervest09
Right. My statement was misleading, i didn't mean to say it would be a large gap on most plays (Although, knowing EA, im not counting that out), but that in scramble situations (End losing contain on 09, End getting blocked out of the play on 10), it will be more effective in 10. Now thats not acounting for pursuit angles being fixed and everything else, but initially, scrambling should be easier.
Not misleading, I was more or less asking in a way. Misleading on my part. I'm just hoping there won't be huge gaping holes on passing plays unless there is a DL on the ground and DE's are out of the picture as you said. I hope it is rare to have a huge gap to walk thru. I agree that it will likely be easier to scramble, just hoping its not like a walk in the park. Hopefully, when they added pocket protection they intended for it to benefit the QB to stay in the pocket.
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