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Old 04-17-2009, 06:47 PM   #119
Squeezee12's Arena
OVR: 14
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Sacramento, CA
Re: NCAA Football 10 Blog: Stadium Updates

Originally Posted by Glorious Arc
It really does baffle me how grown people are acting younger then me(19). Its not hard to say something negative and not sound completely uncivilized. Sure the stadiums werent that great of a post and they could have been done better. Even for some of us, like myself, who feel they are completely worthless in the long run can still at least be civil with our opinions. There are other people in the world besides yourself and people should not be going off like a 2 year old who hasnt been changed about this post because there are some who this is important to.

Im not asking or demanding anyone post any type of way nor am I saying everyone is perfect. Im just saying grow up and be considerate of your fellow human.
Originally Posted by kindella2
if i was EA i wouldnt release another blog...they trying to build up hype for the game and people on these forums tear the hard work down like they can do a better job with the same conditions.

and please dont say if they did that, you wouldnt buy the game...all it takes is for 20 people on this site to say how great the game is and everyone else would run to the store and buy it.
I totally agree with you guys.... The whole time I was going through and catching up I was thinking to myself these same things. If I was EA I would put the blog post on hold for a week or to.

I appreciate what you guys are doing Adam, Russ and others at EA! Keep up the good work.

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